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Wooden Hammer

Wooden Hammer

We finally decided it was time to try our hand at crafting a dead blow wooden mallet, and we couldn’t have been more excited. I had this incredible piece of Claro Walnut that had been waiting for the perfect project, and it seemed like an ideal choice for the framework of this hammer. We also loved the handle shape of a tree saw, so we had to incorporate that as well.

The key to a dead blow mallet is that the weight needs to shift within the head to absorb the impact and reduce vibration. Yet, we have seen these mallets made with gluing the weight in place, which defeats the purpose. The movement of the weight is what creates that dead blow action, and critical to us to maintain that functionality.

To achieve this, we opted to use heavy BBs as the weight, ensuring they could move freely within the mallet head. We then meticulously crafted the handle and base of the mallet using our Shaper, adding some beautiful wood accents to the sides to enhance the overall design.

The result…An extraordinary dead blow wooden mallet that not only looks stunning but also performs exactly as intended. The free-moving weight inside provides the true dead blow effect, making this tool as functional as it is beautiful. We’re incredibly proud of how it turned out and thrilled to share this journey with you.

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